agrochemicals / SEED TREATMENTs / BAQUEANO
Broad spectrum systemic insecticide plant treatment, especially indicated for the control of soil pests that attack during establishment of crops. Its control spectrum includes soil pests such as cutworms, wireworm and white grub; it also allows reducing the negative impact of aphids, tucuras (grasshoppers) and ants.
Because Imidacloprid, active ingredient of BAQUEANO, is systemic, it provides a long lasting protection of seed in the soil, and throughout the stages of germination, emergence and in the first days of establishment. Imidacloprid belongs to the chemical group of Neonicotinoids.
Thanks to its flowable liquid formulation, BAQUEANO optimizes the tasks of curing seed, because it promotes proper dosage, does not precipitate in the tanks of seed treatment equipment and prevents the presence of dust particles in the working facilities.
BAQUEANO exhibits very good compatibility with NITRASEC and LIKUIQ inoculants.
It can be used to treat seed of oat, ryegrass, wheat, barley, sorghum, sunflower and soybean. BAQUEANO allows proper coloring of seed, for identification as seed treated with agrochemicals.
Imidacloprid 60% m/v
Concentrated Suspension
1litre containers
5 litre containers