The use of biological control agents has enormous potential in various agricultural products to minimize the impact of diseases and pest insects.
At Lage y Cía. we devote a significant proportion of our resources to research and development of inputs based on biological control agents. This has led us to achieve the first biological fungicide and the first biological insecticide at the national level (in this case, together with INIA) registered with the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries.
The success of an input as biological controller depends not only on the microorganism and strain in question, but also on its formulation (carrier, concentration, survival), and on the associated handling recommendations. In our company we work on all of these aspects in order to offer reliable and high-efficiency biological control products.
Latest generation inputs based on biological control agents, which contribute to the development of ecological production schemes, sustainable over time.
Biological insecticides are highly relevant inputs, especially in intensive vegetable production systems, where its use can reduce the contamination of food for direct consumption (fresh vegetables and fruits) with synthetic chemical pesticides.